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Connections at the fingertips, lift-changing innovations at the center of its value is Ahranta.

Ahranta will go beyond the country with unique technology and expertise and will make a strong leap forward to solidify our presence in the global market.

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Best solution for customer support! Ahranta is with you as the best service!

We will provide the industry with optimized technologies and models. We will reward customers with quality, technical skills and service.

'The First remote control service development' Ahranta, which connected the world with technology for over 30 years and
improved the lives of its customers
Ahranta offers a variety of security solutions for secure management of mobile, PC, laptop and server as well as optimal remote control services for the first remote control developer.
An Introduction to Ahranta’s Unique Skills and Expertise

Smart Emergency Alarm is available when calling emergency signals though simple operation of the handheld device in case of emergency. This is an emergency alarm solution that allows the control system to check the user's real-time video/voice/location information and take action swiftly.

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The WizHelper remotely accesses a remote PC & Mobile device and uses screen sharing and control. This is a remote support solution first in korea that allows you to perform technical support(Troubleshooting) and other tasks.

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WizHelperOne is a unified history managements system for maintenance tasks that enables approval, recording and management of remote operations and encrypts all communication data with the NIS-certified cryptographic module.

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WizHelperOneSE is a system that serves as a relay for connection between an ordering organization and an external terminal (service company), It is an online service control system for remote work and remote online development.

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PointLock Enterprise is a Windows Explorer-based personal security explorer. Encrypted files are encrypted in all formats and cannot be used in windows other than PointLock Explorer.

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smart emergency alarm image
Smart Emergency Alarm is available when calling emergency signals though simple operation of the handheld device in case of emergency. This is an emergency alarm solution that allows the control system to check the user's real-time video/voice/location information and take action swiftly.
wizhelper image
Smart Emergency Alarm is available when calling emergency signals though simple operation of the handheld device in case of emergency. This is an emergency alarm solution that allows the control system to check the user's real-time video/voice/location information and take action swiftly.
wizhelperone image
PointLock Enterprise is a Windows Explorer-based personal security explorer. Encrypted files are encrypted in all formats and cannot be used in windows other than PointLock Explorer.
wizhelperonese image
WizHelperOneSE is a system that serves as a relay for connection between an ordering organization and an external terminal (service company), It is an online service control system for remote work and remote online development.
pointlock image
Smart Emergency Alarm is available when calling emergency signals though simple operation of the handheld device in case of emergency. This is an emergency alarm solution that allows the control system to check the user's real-time video/voice/location information and take action swiftly.
Customer Introduction Ahranta offers services and solutions to more than 5,000 customers, including businesses, government offices and individuals.
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  • NH투자증권 로고
  • 하나금융TI 로고
  • 한국자산관리공사 로고
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  • ABL생명 logo
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  • 현대오토에버 logo
  • LGCNS logo
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Come with Ahranta for a better business


Solutions·Technical Support +82 2-325-0302 9:00-18:00(excluding weekends·holidays)